Create a space

To create a new space, follow these steps:

  1. If you are using web app from desktop, Click Create a space to create a space.
    If you are using web app from a mobile or a tablet, click Hamburger menufrom the top left side to open the side menu and Click Create a space to create a space.
  2. Enter a Name for your space. For example, this could be the project you are working on.
  3. Select a template from the choices available. A space template is a combination of pre-configured settings that will be applied to new spaces created using this template.
  4. Click Create. A new space is created. A space can have one or more ways to join a meeting based on the chosen template. You can include these details when you invite someone to join your meeting.

Note: If you are using web app from a mobile or a tablet, click Hamburger menu from the top left side to open the side menu.

Note: If you do not see this option, to enable permissions to create a space and assign space templates to your profile.